

En la vida hay límites y fronteras sociales que se tienen que delimitar por el bien de las relaciones que construyes con otros. Una vez se establecen los límites, hay un campo de total confianza para ambas partes sobre cómo actuar, cuándo actuar, y qué decir uno al otro.  Una vez escuché en una entrevista que las palabras en sí no tienen ningún poder de lastimarnos a menos que nosotros mismos les demos ese poder. Esa idea yo la tengo interiorizada en mi ser... en mi mente. Tuvo sentido para mí cuando re-descubrí mi identidad, cuando hice las paces con mis características, y en general con el conjunto de cosas que me definen como persona, y como hombre. Esta re-definición me harían mirar con dignidad y con orgullo eventos de mi infancia en las que esas mismas características fueron el blanco de comentarios racistas, denigrantes, y discriminantes. Sobre todo, me ayudaron a verlos en paz conmigo mismo y con sus autores. Son escenas que revivo en mi mente muy pocas veces; y cuando lo hago,

Bon Voyage!

I finally could word out these emotions that I'd had bottled up for so long. So many times have I opened my blog with the emotions ready to go, but I had to shut it back again because I just didn't know how. That morning I was on the metro station when it hit me. The words started to come out and I just floated along.  I have said goodbye to people many times. There are two that have marked me so far. The first let me disoriented, but free. I felt as if I had removed the shackles, and the time I had afterwards was very happy. I've never gotten as connected to myself and my relatives as at that time.  The second one is you. Getting over you has been the hardest thing to do. I don't know why exactly because in my mind is clear why things got finished. I also have a clear memory of those things I didn't like about you... Things that constantly made me wonder if I had made the right choice with you while still being together. So, I don't even know why I miss you...


  Escribir, para mí, es cuestión de varios elementos. Inspiración (el cual se manifiesta en una serie de pensamientos profundos mezclados con una sensación intensa de ahogo). La canción perfecta a ese desahogo (la cual escucho al momento de escribir, pero ya he venido escuchando durante varios días). Para el momento de escribir, ya tengo claro qué es lo que dicha canción me produce y cómo esto está relacionado al tema. Y, el ambiente del lugar. (Normalmente, no pienso en qué lugar quiero escribir, sino que cuando llego a un lugar y conecto con el mismo, y ello con las emociones e ideas que he venido cocinando, entiendo que es en ese lugar y en ese momento dónde debo escribir). Hoy, sin embargo, aunque tengo la canción, tengo el lugar, y tengo las ideas; tengo también otro elemento... ¡Miedo! Tengo miedo de expresar lo que pienso... tengo miedo de dejarme llevar por las ideas embotelladas... tengo miedo de quitar el tapón sin querer quitarlo. Tengo miedo de mi arrogancia y de mi vulnera
IF YOU SEE, YOU'LL READ ME! I am deleting all my social networking apps. Sadly, I can't delete WhatsApp because is very recursive for my job. Important information is passed down onto us teachers through that means. I don't remember needing to know everything about everyone. It was enough just a couple of minutes with my peers, most of the time, sitting on a curb on the streets catching up while laughing and making jokes on each other silliness.  I wake up in the morning and I grab my phone more for wanting to check Facebook, Instagram, and then WhatsApp (if not other apps). That's the first thing I do in the morning, and quite often the last. With that, it comes the tendency to become a part of that vicious surreal world by posting pictures and information about your whereabouts and goings. It's as if you were willingly castrating your own freedom by believing that somehow, other people care about your life events, when clearly, despite the many likes, they don'

I'm Broken

  The natural instinct when being broken is taking a hide. There are several reasons for it, I guess. Either you don't want for others to see you vulnerable, or the pain drags you into darkness for it is there where it lives. In my case, I have a very particular, yet not unique way of dealing with the pain of a broken heart. It seems that for me catching up with reality takes some time, but when I do I sink in the pain and hit rock bottom.  I still remember the day I was told my grandfather had passed away. I was in a cab with my sister. We were headed to the airport to take a flight to get the chance to see grandpa one last time before passing because we already knew by then that his passing was inevitable. We received the news and my sister started crying unstoppably. I just couldn't believe it. I felt guilty for other reasons I'm not gonna talk about in this post. But, I felt guilty and blamed myself for not having another chance to see him. This trip took another color.

You Are!

I'm talking from freedom... with responsibility I'm talking from my ancestry... the love I was formed with from dust from the love of my Creator the day I came out of His hands I'm talking from the lightness of the wind... the stillness of the ocean from the endless horizon and strength of the Earth My voice resonates in synchronicity with the echo of the voice of my ancestors and through that means, they do continue to walk the land That's how I talk to you That's how I feel you That's how I think of you That's how I love you I love you with a love connected to an oblivious past that cannot be traced back I love you with a love blind to the future, yet connected further in time. Amongst the stars do our ancestors walk and alongside them, shall we walk, someday, whilst holding hands. You are prayer... my good book You are my heroin... my cocca You are my wealth... my glory You are my mystery... my answers You are my today... my tomorrow... You are my timeles

A tu manera.

 Decime vos, ¿qué es lo que no te gusta de Debussy? Debe ser el hecho de que ni siquiera sabés deletrear su nombre. Pero te recomiendo a Chopin, hermano... es más fácil de escribir y recordar. Aunque con tu mente despalomada raro sería que recordés cosa alguna de alguna importancia.  ¿Qué es lo que no te gusta de un cafe... de los audios de Diana Uribe o mejor aún, de las páginas de Savater?  ¿Qué hay de cliché en la brisa fría, el cirgarrillo humeante, la taza tibia, la melena disparatada, los lentes empañados, la mirada taciturna y las páginas chocando entre sí aplaudiendo tu reflexión al ritmo de Nocturne Nº 2?  ¿Dónde encontrás vos una mejor vida que aquellos lugares en donde a tu mente no le da por esconderse? ¡Ten ánimo, mi hermano! Deja ya la ira. Olvídate de la venganza. No prestés más atención al "Cómo te ven" y dedicale tu entera devoción al cómo tú te quieres ver.  Escribí más... salí más... jugá más... lee más... viajá más... comé sin miedo a las calorías... sonre